Third-Party Business

As one of the leading service providing companies in the field of decommissioning and dismantling nuclear plants, our expertise allows us to complete these complex tasks to the highest standards of safety, quality and cost-effectiveness. The EWN External Projects/Sales Department is responsible for procuring EWN third-party business in a national and international context.

Our core competences lie in particular in complete services for the dismantling of reactors and activated components, the breaking down of large components and the disposal of residual materials, CASTOR handling and the development of customer-specific management software for shutting down nuclear plants. Furthermore, the main department is responsible for all sales activities at the Greifswald site. This specifically includes the recycling of the residual materials accumulated during dismantling, the hiring of technical plants and the marketing of buildings and commercial space. The arrangement of contracts when companies wish to move to the industry and technology location at Lubmin is another of this business unit’s tasks.


Torsten Wollermann

National Projects
Phone +49 38354 4-3734
Email: Torsten Wollermann

National Projects

The National Projects Department is responsible for all decommissioning and dismantling activities in nuclear facilities which EWN carries out in Germany outside of the Greifswald/Lubmin and Rheinsberg sites.

The spectrum ranges from specialised planning services to big projects such as the dismantling of reactors with fittings in nuclear facilities including the necessary approval and performance planning, the design, production and procuring of facilities and the performance of manual and remotely controlled activities. 
These services are offered and realised both for companies within the EWN Group and for nuclear facilities owned by public authorities and private energy supply companies.

The National Projects Department is also the design department for EWN projects at the Greifswald site.


Sales/Contract Management
Phone +49 38354 4-8101
Email: Sales

Sales/Contract Management

Our activities are mainly focussed on comprehensive and qualified contract management for EWN GmbH contracts with companies operating on the industry and technology site at Lubmin.
The contract management practiced includes the systematic and efficient production, management, planning, modification, monitoring and archiving of all available contract information and contractual agreements. Appropriate software is deployed and further developed for this purpose.

In addition to this main task, sales and administrative support for the supplying EWN structures in the marketing of EWN core competences in third-party business are further major tasks of this branch.
Sales activities mainly concentrate on:

  • The sale of large components, plant, machines, vehicles and small materials
  • The sale of metallic residual materials